:: Nokia N91 ::
Just wanna share the info about this stuff..
Hehehehe... aku dah pakai model ni selama sebulan..
nampak hebat, bergaya, internal memory 4G and paling best dia nyer sound system..
include skali headphone but not Nokia brand, other party nyer product.. latest model
of the most popular audio gajet untuk inflight audio/vidoe services..
macam dengar HiFi 5500 watt kat umah....
kalau beli kat kedai Headphone tu rege lebey kurang RM500++ rege dia..
Then, after one month aku pakai, something fishy smelling around..
Damn.. batery tak tahan sampai satu hari.. setengah hari dah kong..!!
So, now aku dah send balik kat dia nyer supplier then get my money back..!!
So, pada kengkawan yang berangan nak pakai, pikir2kanlah..
Harga dia.. tanya kedai laa.. jangan beli AP nyer nanti xleh claim duit kalau apa2 terjadi..

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