" Sir GG vs Mr. G "

I've done..! Bungkus.. ! Habis..!! No more PANITIA.. Pening.. Lupakan.. Now what you need to do is just go straight and follow the path pattern. Don't turn back. "I will always love you." Said one of my grade 2 student. She's pretty and smart but not too genius as I thought.
3 and half month during the monsoon.. What monsoon? Yes, OJT aka practical. My TESL completed, unofficially.. hahahahahah.. Bye.. bye my sweethearts.. all of you always in my memory. Remember I will write you a letter one day, just wait.
Ingat pesanan kelmarin,
Hormat orang tua, hormat guru, hormat kawan... and last but not least don't forget the dictionary. Mr. Dic will help you everytime you need it as the people around you cannot do so. Mr. Dic... Mr. Dic and Mr. Dic....
Sincerely,3 and half month during the monsoon.. What monsoon? Yes, OJT aka practical. My TESL completed, unofficially.. hahahahahah.. Bye.. bye my sweethearts.. all of you always in my memory. Remember I will write you a letter one day, just wait.
Ingat pesanan kelmarin,
Hormat orang tua, hormat guru, hormat kawan... and last but not least don't forget the dictionary. Mr. Dic will help you everytime you need it as the people around you cannot do so. Mr. Dic... Mr. Dic and Mr. Dic....
Sir GG
To all my new crew members,
Please wait me at the corner, I will rock the cabin bebeh...!!! 'Mr. G' gonna kick someone ass tommorrow. Watch your back dude..!!
Dude..!! No grammar, No part of speech, No essay.... Just TALK..!! See ya...
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